Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Up and running

So I have finally gotten the English blog up and running. Some of you have known about the Norwegian one which has been up and running for a few months, for others this is the first you hear of me blogging.

The blog is mostly for friends and family to see what is going on with me and all my adventures. It will also be about my dog and what we do together. There will be taken plenty of pictures along the way which of course will be posted here.

At the moment I'm in Vancouver for the Olympics and I'm having lots of fun. It doesn't leave much time for blogging, but once I get back home, I'll try and update at least once a day. I'll have plenty to blog about once I get all the pictures from this trip sorted out.

For now I leave you with a picture of me with the Olympic Mascots.


1 comment:

  1. It was great to have you visit and I'm so glad that you've started up this blog. It'll be fun to follow your adventures. Come back soon.



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